Wednesday, August 12, 2009

In Him

I was reading in the book of Colossians today and came across a passage that really struck me. Over and over again, in the space of just five verses, the Bible talks about who we are, what we have, and what we should be doing "in Him," or rather "in the life of Christ Jesus, our Savior and Lord." For those who believe, it is "in Him" that we have eternal life, it is "in Him" that we have the adoption and inheritance of the children of God, and it is "in Him" that we can live the life that God intends us to live. The Bible says, "As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him, rooted and built up in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving. Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ. For in Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; and you are complete in Him, who is the head of all principality and power" (Colossians 2:6-10, NKJV).

In verse 9 of that passage, the Bible made a strong statement concerning who Jesus is that none could deny. It said that " Him dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily." That means that, though Jesus was a man, He also was and is fully God. If he were just a man, he would be dead and we would not be able to rely upon Him in our lives today, but because He is God, He is alive and we can rely upon Him in our lives today!

That brings me great comfort, as I face the struggles of this life. I don't care who you are, whether you are a preacher or a ditch-digger, it's hard to live the Christian life in this world of sin, but thank God, I don't have to do it in my own. I have strength beyond myself "in Him." When I chose to believe in Jesus by faith and surrender my life to His will, I received Him into my life. When He began to live in me, that's when I began to truly live "in Him."

Living “in Him” is what the Bible was referring to when it said to “walk in Him.” If you walk around each day living the life of Jesus, the Bible promises that you will be “rooted and built up in Him.” In this case, the Bible uses the example of a tree to describe those who live in Jesus. Like a tree must dig deep into the soil to gather the nutrients that it needs to survive and grow, a Christian must dig deep into the life that Jesus gives to grow and survive. Also, just like a tree that is anchored in nutrient rich soil is built into a living tower that can withstand the storm, the lives of those who live in Jesus stand through the moral and social storms of this world.

Each of us are told to “walk in Him” being “established in the faith, as you have been taught,” which in turn should cause you to be “abounding… with thanksgiving.” You can’t live “in Him” without having faith in what the Bible teaches about Him. To be caught up in what this world thinks and teaches apart from God is to be “cheated” out of the kind of life that God intended you to have. When you hear, believe, and apply the Word of God to how you live your life, your faith in Jesus will be “established” as the very best thing that ever happened in your life. And that’s when you will be overwhelmingly grateful for the difference that His Word has made in your life, because it was God’s Word that told you the truth about Him and you now live “in Him.”

The last verse in that passage in Colossians (vs. 10) tells us that if we live “in Him” we are now “complete in Him.” That word “complete” is translated from a Greek word that also means “to be made full.” For many years I thirsted and hungered for something that I didn’t really understand or realize I was thirsting and hungering for. There was something missing in my life that left me unsatisfied and wanting more. Time and time again, I tried what this world has to offer to meet that need, but I always ended back where I began, still thirsty and hungry for whatever it was that was missing. But then I called upon Jesus to save and change my life. That’s when I found that He was what I was looking for all along. “In Him,” I finally found the strength I needed to defeat the things that ensnared me. “In Him,” I finally found the purpose for my life. “In Him,” I finally found what satisfies the deepest longing of my soul. “In Him,” I finally found a friend like no other. “In Him,” I finally found the One who gave His life for me. I could go on and on about what I have found “in Him,” but above all else I have to say that my life is now “complete in Him.”

What do you have “in Him?” With faith you have everything. Without faith you have nothing. Have faith “in Him” today!