Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Burning the Qur'an

Yesterday, I heard about a small Church in Florida that is planning on burning copies of the Muslim holy book, the Qur'an, on September 11th this year.  Personally, after all the evil that this book has caused in this world and in my own country, I can understand their desire to burn it, but I also don't think that it's a good idea.  Not only will it antagonize those who already hate us with such religious zeal, even worse, it will hurt the testimony of Christians who participate.  I have two reasons for saying that.

First of all, publicly burning the Qur'an will only serve to offend Muslims and make them less likely to be open to the message of the Gospel.  If one of our missionaries in a Muslim country did that, he would no longer be listened to, destroying any chance of seeing a Muslim convert to Christianity.  As Christians, we are often going to inadvertently offend people simply by telling them about the Gospel of Jesus Christ, but we are not supposed to purposely be offensive.  If people get offended, let it be over what God said rather than over what I did.

Secondly, publicly burning the Qur'an may seem like a Biblically supported action to take, but not when you study it more closely.  There is an event recorded in Acts 19:18-19, where many of the people living in Ephesus came to believe the Gospel of Jesus Christ and "came confessing and telling their deeds."  The Bible goes on to say that "...many of those who had practiced magic brought their books together and burned them in the sight of all."  These were not Christians burning the religious books of other people.  These were people who had converted to Christianity from other religions and chose to publicly burn their own books.  That's a big difference.

So all in all, I don't want to see any Christian participate in burning the Qur'an on September 11th, because it is simply not a right thing for us to do.  But what I would enjoy seeing is a great host of Muslims choosing to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and rejecting the lies of the Qur'an.  If they decided to burn their own books afterward, it would be all the better!  What a message that would be if a former Muslim set his Qur'an on fire and said, "Compared with the Bible, the Qur'an is of no better use than kindling!"  It would only mean as much coming from someone like that.  May God grant that many of those who believe the Qur'an today would reject it for His Word tomorrow!